A Little Thing Called Love

This may not be the best way to say it…

Love. When combined, those four letters hold more meaning than any other word in the dictionary. It’s easy to say you love your new pair of pumps, every single episode of Gossip Girl, and your cup of coffee each morning, but when it comes to spitting it out to that special someone, the taste of that little four-lettered word has quite a kick.

Saying “I love you” to someone takes some guts. It’s one of the most scary and exciting things you can possibly say, especially when it’s your first time saying it or really meaning it. We tell our friends we love them all the time – even our guy friends. But when it comes to telling the guy that puts butterflies in our stomach everytime we see him, it’s a completely different story.

So when is the right time to say it? When it does happen, there are two things that can take place;

1. They’ll tell you they love you, too.
2. They’ll look at you like you’re crazy.

Or, maybe both.

I’m a strong believer in the phrase that “everything that’s meant to be will always find its way.” And it will. When it comes to loving someone, you really don’t have much control. You can’t fight your heart because let’s face it – it’s probably going to win.

The next time you’re sitting there saying “he loves me, he loves me not” as you pick apart every flower you can get your hands on, why don’t you just go find out? You’ll be glad you did.


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